Whether it’s aviators, oversized, retro or a classic tortoiseshell design, if you’re looking for the perfect pair of sunglasses, you’ll find them at Faith Donaldson Optometrists.
At Faith Donaldson Optometrists we have the knowledge to help you choose sunglasses that provide the right protection for your eyes, we’re all aware of the damage UV rays can do to our skin, yet few of us realise the risks our eyes can be exposed to. Our eyes are 10 times more sensitive to UV than our skin.
While sunglasses look great on the beach, they are so much more than just a fashion accessory. Their purpose is to protect the eyes and to give comfortable vision in bright conditions. They reduce the amount of light reaching the eye and protect our most valuable asset from damaging invisible ultraviolet radiation (UVR).
Without the all-important UVR protection you could be increasing your risk of cataracts, macular degeneration or even cancer. Sunlight consists of two harmful rays: UVA and UVB, which is why sunglasses are a must. We can offer advice on all aspects of wearing sunglasses, from the type of lens you require, the shape and fit of your frame and the very latest styles

Polarising Lenses – 100% Glare Proof Sunglasses
All sunglasses are designed to reduce brightness, yet glare from the sun can still cause eyestrain, squinting or even temporary blindness. We highly recommend Polarised Lenses which eliminate glare and boost colours by using a special filter that blocks out this type of intensive reflective light, giving excellent clarity and more comfortable vision.
They are ideal for:
1. Driving.
Drivers will no longer be affected by sudden glare of a wet road or low winter sun and find these noticeably more comfortable to wear both in the summer and winter months.
2. Fishing.
Anglers will be able to see ‘through’ the water, rather than the reflections on the surface.
3. Skiing or snowboarding.
Skiers will begin to see ‘hidden’ bumps in the snow.
Children’s sun protection
Children are especially at risk from harmful rays of the sun as their crystalline lenses are young and clear and let even more UV rays into the back of their eyes and they often spend more time outdoors than we do.
Latest figures from the World Health Organisation suggest that as much as 80% of a lifetimes’ UV is absorbed into the eye by the time a child reaches 18 years of age.
If we encourage children to wear eye protection from an early age we can help to limit the amount of UV damage to the eye

Book your appointment at Faith Donaldson Optometrists today
Book your appointment at Faith Donaldson Optometrists today

Faith Donaldson Optometrists have a well-earned reputation for quality eyewear and clinical excellence
028 4176 9393
23 Greencastle Street, Kilkeel, Co Down, BT34 4BH
Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm
Wednesday: 9am - 8pm
Saturday: 9am - 1pm