Do you suffer from dry, gritty, irritable or watery eyes?

The Dry Eye Clinic

Symptoms of Dry Ey

Prevent Dry Eyes
The Dry Eye Clinic
At Faith Donaldson Optometrists we run a specialist Dry Eye Clinic. At your appointment we will discuss your symptoms and any previous treatment. We will perform a detailed examination of the front surface of your eyes and eyelids and assess the quality and amount of tears you produce. We then can make a diagnosis and tailored treatment plan.
The treatment of dry eye depends on what is causing it.
If your dry eye is caused by your eyes not producing enough tears, you can use eye lubricants. There are very many different types of gels and drops for Dry Eye, after your assessment your optometrist will guide you to the most appropriate lubricants for you.
If your dry eye is caused because your tears are evaporating too quickly, you can use a spray that you spray on your closed eyelids.
If you have blepharitis we can help you treat this by keeping your eyelids clean using the revolutionary new Blephex technology to very precisely and carefully, work along the edge of your eyelids and lashes, removing scurf and debris and exfoliating your eyelids.
We will also advise you regarding ongoing management using warm compresses on your eyelids to help unblock the glands which produce the oily part of your tears and lid hygiene techniques.
Further review appointments can be scheduled to provide ongoing support and monitor treatment progress.
To book an appointment, call today and ask for a Dry Eye Assessment

Symptoms of Dry Eyes
Despite its name, having dry eye can actually cause your eyes to water. This is because the watery layer of your tears will dilute the oiliness of your tears, which reduces their ability to lubricate your eyes.
– Gritty eyes
– Feeling like something is in your eyes
– Stinging or burning eyes
– Heavy eyelids
– Blurred vision
– Watery eyes (if your eyes water a lot, you may dilute the oily layer of your eyes, causing them to dry out.)

How to Prevent Dry Eyes
- Keeping your eyes clean and avoiding using makeup, especially eyeliner
- Avoiding high temperatures, central heating, draughts (for example, from air vents in cars) and air conditioning
- Ensuring you blink often and look away from the screen at regular intervals when you are using the computer to give your eyes a rest
- Using a humidifier to help slow down the evaporation of your tears
- Wearing glasses or sunglasses, ideally the wraparound type, on windy days
- Avoiding smoky atmospheres
- Having treatment to stop the tears draining away. Small plugs, called punctum plugs, can be put into the holes in your lower eyelids to stop the tears draining away. These can be easily removed if necessary.
Book your appointment at Faith Donaldson Optometrists today
Book your appointment at Faith Donaldson Optometrists today

Faith Donaldson Optometrists have a well-earned reputation for quality eyewear and clinical excellence
028 4176 9393
23 Greencastle Street, Kilkeel, Co Down, BT34 4BH
Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm
Wednesday: 9am - 8pm
Saturday: 9am - 1pm